Monday, October 24, 2011

93 percent of communication is non-verbal

I have just read that in communication, words account for only seven percent; the tone of voice makes for 38 percent and the rest is body language. Thus, 93 percent of communication is non-verbal. And when it comes to non-verbal communication, some are more receptive to sounds (auditory), while others are more visual (kinesthetic). Marge C. Enriquez writes about this at in the article entitled "Win people by knowing their communication styles".
If you’re selling a car or a condo, a spiel that follows the classic formula of accurate information, clarity and brevity won’t work. It’s not what you say but what you don’t say that gets the message across.
Management consultant, facilitator and speaker Ben Ampil quotes studies as saying that in communication, words account for only seven percent; the tone of voice makes for 38 percent and the rest is body language. Hence, 93 percent of communication is non-verbal.
Likewise, it is also important to know the target consumer or individual’s communication style that is based on his dominant sensory perception if you want results.
If a person’s main communication style is verbal or sound or word-based, he is classified as “auditory,” and tends to be detail oriented. A “visual” person relates to images while a kinesthetic is more responsive to feelings or experiences.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Free Online Course on Knowledge Management

One of things I am so interested about is knowledge management. Good thing that there great number of online resources available for free. One is this free online knowledge management course. Here's how the course differentiated data vs information vs knowledge.

What then is knowledge? And what is information? How is knowledge different from information?
Information is organized, systematized data. And what are data? Data are statements about reality or about other data. They are representations about the world – be it physical, social, psychological, organizational, or any other form of reality.
Data becomes information when they are organized according to certain preferences and placed in a context, which defines their meaning and relevance. Information is meaningful, contextualized data, but not yet knowledge. It is clear that as compared to information which is an objectification, knowledge involves subject formation.
Information can become knowledge when a human being interacts with it, appropriates it and makes it her/his own, contextualizes it by placing it in relation to other knowledge that are already her/his own, and internalizes it by making it a part of his belief system.
Knowledge, then, is people-based. Its information that has been processed, analyzed, distilled and packaged by the human mind.
Information is not knowledge. That became painfully clear during the Information Age when organizations invested heavily in information technology only to find themselves drowning in vast in-house caches of meaningless and unused data. Now they are inundated externally with even more mega-tons of information, unfiltered on-line. Organizations that do not understand the difference between knowledge and information will fall once again into the technology trap.